Life-Changer Plan

Investing In Yourself Is The Most Successful Plan

about us

Life-Changer Plan is a plan that can help you master every area of your life. I created some plans for few areas in life out of my experience. And i would love to share with you guys every lesson I have learned in my life, every challenge I have faced, and every struggle I have had to maybe inspire you, and help giving you solutions to your problems or answers to your questions.

And because we humans normally get inspired by each other, that’s why I love sharing my story with others, and I also love hearing other people’s stories to be inspired myself.

Listening or reading other people’s stories helped me a lot changing my own life, and helped changing other’s lives as well.

And so I am sharing with you the courses that helped improving my skills to have a better life, the products that helped me have a better health, or the ones that made my life easier, and all the resources that helped with my personal life as well as my business life.

I really hope I can help changing your life into a better one with all the tips I am giving here.

a daily plan to help leading to your success:

here’s a plan i created for daily habits that helped me achieve more and helped other successful people to be who they are today. 

recent posts

changing your mindset can
change your life:

It all starts with our brain and the way we think. Our thoughts lead us to who we are today. So we are the ones we should blame for the kind of life we have, not others. 

What are those thoughts that can default your life? They are the things you say about yourself, your beliefs, the things people say or think about you that you believe in, and the things you learn from school or from the environment you are living in. All that can determine who you are and how you are living your life..

You are putting limits on yourself when there are no limits in life. You are the one who is telling yourself that you are not good enough, or not made for success, or this mission is too big for you, or you are not brave enough to take risks to change your life.

When you think small you get small things in life and when you think big you get big things in life. It is all up to you. You are the one who can change your own life not anyone else on this earth.   

There is a study that shows that when a doctor gives you a pill and tells you that it will make you feel good you will feel good after taking it not only because of the pill but because of the words the doctor said to you that went into your belief system and confirmed that you are going to feel good. But at the same time when a doctor says nothing about the patient’s situation, the patient will overthink his situation and will start having negative thoughts that will make him feel worse and real sick even if he is not. So this is the power of words and this how the way we think can change our inner world and therefore, our outer world as well.

Start feeling successful at work or in relationships with others. Start feeling healthy and worthy. Start feeling rich, just whatever the thing you want to do or feel or live start feeling it, start making it a fact in your life. And how you do that? by imagination. When you imagine yourself in some situation you are going to start feeling this situation and how this situation will make you feel as if you are living this situation for real. Your body will release hormones that can make you experience different emotions and feelings that are related to the things you are imagining in your mind. So once you feel that in all of your body including your brain, heart, and even soul you will get motivated and excited to make the situation you have had in your imagination be a reality. And so that’s how much important and powerful imagination is. And this is how you motivate yourself to work and achieve more.

So if your life is toxic and keeping you in your place without any progress, it means you need to change it, but only if you can change your thoughts. And so here are some ways to help you change the way you think which will help you have the life you have always dreamed of: 


1- Change your routine: 

When you can change small habits in your life you will be able to change the big ones. Just by changing the routine that is getting you nowhere or making you feel miserable or stressed or not helping you to get closer to your dreams and goals, it means you are doing something wrong and you need to change it to change your life. Your daily habits can define who you are and how you will be in the future.

2- Change the way you think:

 Be open and roll your eyes to all different kinds of directions instead of just looking straight to see different things around you and meet new opportunities. Listen to people who have different opinions from you or read books with subjects you have not been familiar with before. This will all give you a different perspective about life and will open up new doors with new opportunities, and this will eventually change your life.

3- Don’t let the environment around you shape you:

People actually become how people in their environment want them to be. The surrounding circumstances shape them and shape the way they think or behave. And so if circumstances around you are toxic then you need to change them, and to do that you need to be greater than those circumstances and your willing power should be greater than them too.  Don’t be a person who is defined by other people. Stop being like a robot and start acting like a real human with a real brain and figure out your own life and how you want to live it by having your own thoughts and knowledge that boost the gift you were born with to be the different you. Only then you can change things around you and the way you live and the quality of your life. Only then you can live your own life with your own mindset. Only then you can actually act not only react.

4- Fill your mind with new thoughts:

You need to delete all the negative thoughts you have in your mind and replace them with new positive ones. Just every time that a negative thought comes across your mind, immediately replace it with a positive one. You will start feeling good again and keep your mind clear to focus on what is important. 

5- Make positive thinking a habit for you:

Every time you feel that the negative thoughts are controlling your mind just stop and take a deep breath and try to think positively, even if you are in the middle of a crisis. And that’s why successful people are successful because they know how to deal with crises. On the other hand, unsuccessful people give up and start thinking negatively about the situation. So instead of focusing on the problem start focusing on the solution to that problem. This is what positive thinking is.

6- Create a new belief system about yourself:

Tell yourself all the things you are capable of without hesitating to say good things about yourself. Tell yourself that you are good enough for anything you could probably think of. Stop bringing yourself down. Be your own cheerleader and believe in yourself.

7- Value the present moment:

Don’t exaggerate thinking about the past and don’t get so busy thinking about the future because you are getting nothing but wasting this present moment that you have and if you lose it you won’t get it back again. What you are doing today is going to determine what kind of future you will have. So focusing on the present moment will be more than enough for you, it is everything you have and everything you need.