– If you have no money to build a business of your own, and you want to earn money to actually be able to have your own business. Affiliate marketing is perfect for you at this stage. And actually, even if you have a business of your own, you can still do affiliate marketing and earn extra good money from it.

– Affiliate marketing is one of the ways I love for making money, and it is one of the easiest ways to make money online. Because you can start right away and with $0. Plus, it’s a passive income. You do the work at first and then you start making money while you sleep.


– So, What is affiliate marketing and how can you make money with $0?


Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting another company’s products or services. So, being an affiliate means you are the middleman between the company and its customers.

– The affiliate industry has grown by 47% between 2018 and the end of 2021, demonstrating how it has become the go-to channel for many retailers. According to Forbs.

– Customers buy products in two ways: They either buy products directly from the company, or they buy a company’s products through someone.


There are three parties involved in the affiliate marketing process:


– THE SELLER OR THE PRODUCT OWNER: A company or individual who creates the products. It can be a physical product, a digital product, or a service.

– THE AFFILIATE OR THE PROMOTER: The person who promotes the company’s product to sell it. The affiliate tries to sell the product to the consumer who needs the product. And when the buyer buys the product or service, the affiliate takes a commission for the sale.

– THE CONSUMER: The person who buys the product. The consumer buys the product from the company through the affiliate or the promoter because they were convinced by them that the product or service will benefit them.




1- PHYSICAL PRODUCTS: They are touchable products. (clothes, makeup, devices, books, furniture..etc)

2- DIGITAL PRODUCTS: Digital products are products that you sell online and they are not physically touchable. like (software, online courses, ebooks, printables..etc).




– Let’s talk about the steps you need to follow in order to become an affiliate marketer. And how you get into the affiliate marketing industry.



First, you need to find a product that you love and believe in. A product that you use in your life and has benefited you. Now, it is better for you to be familiar with the product, because you want to be honest with your audience and transparent when talking about it. Plus, customers want real people’s experiences with a product to be able to decide between buying it or not. If you win people’s trust, they would always come to you for your real opinion and they will be convinced to buy whatever you are offering them because they know that you would only offer them products or services that benefit them.



Most companies have affiliate programs. Go on Google and search for the product owner or the company, then on their website search the word “affiliate program”, then join it. After accepting you into their program, you become a member of their affiliate marketing program. And you will get special links to the product to share with your audience. It means that now you can promote their products and services and get a commission for every sale you make.



Now, it is time to share the product or service with people you know or your followers on social media. And that’s by sharing the links that the company gave you after joining their affiliate program. Use your social media platforms or your website to share those links and every time someone clicks on them and buys the product or service you are promoting, you get the commission the company offered you for every sale you make.




• Per click: The affiliate is paid an amount of money whenever someone clicks on the special links they shared on their websites or social media platforms. Now, in this case, the company’s goal is to increase traffic to their website trying to get visitors to know them, and hopefully, they will become the company’s customers later.

• Per sale: This type of payment is so common in the affiliate marketing world. The affiliate or the promoter is paid a commission every time someone clicks on their special links and purchases the product they are promoting.

• Per lead: The affiliate is paid every time someone clicks on their special links and takes action on the company’s website that they’re taken to. Such as signing up for a newsletter, filling out a form, subscribing…etc.




1- You don’t have to create your own product:

You do not have to think of the perfect product that sells well on the market. And you do not have to develop it, adjust it, or think of ways to make it better because the company takes care of all of that.


2- You don’t have to deal with shipping, customers support, refunding, and storage:

So, you don’t have to pay for all those expenses like you do if you are selling your own product because all of that needs a lot of expenses, time, and effort. So, this is if you are just starting and you do not have the time and the money to take care of all of that. So, affiliate marketing is the best option for you. Because all you do is that you talk about the product on your social media with your followers, and you take your commission after making a sale. And the company takes care of all the other stuff. You are just bringing the customer to the company.


3- It’s a passive income:

It means that you make money while you sleep. Now, of course, you have to do the work at first and then it keeps rolling by itself and it keeps making you money. You basically, talk or write about the product you are promoting and share your affiliate links on your social media platforms, and every time someone watches the video you made or reads the article you wrote about the product and purchases it through your links, you earn a commission. So, you can take a break for a week or more but still make money.


4- You can do it from anywhere in the world:

You can go on a long vacation and still work when you need to. Because all you need for this are a laptop and internet, and that’s it.


5- It’s the best entry business:

As we said before, you can start immediately with little or no money. It requires no experience. Affiliate marketing is simple and easy to learn and implement, and anyone can do it. And you can make thousands of thousands of dollars from it. So, it is the best business for beginners.


6- There’s no risk:

Every business has a risk level in it. But there’s nothing to lose with affiliate marketing because there are no business expenses. Whereas when you create your own product and if it doesn’t sell, you will lose money on the storage of the product, you’ll pay extra money on marketing trying to sell the product and other expenses. Now, I am not saying that creating your own product is a bad thing, but what I mean is that if you have no money for all those expenses first when you start, then it is better to start with affiliate marketing as it is not risky.


7- You can promote almost any product that you use:

Another thing that I like about affiliate marketing is that you can promote any product you use in your house, office, car..etc. Literally, almost anything around you and anything you use and love. All you have to do is to go to the company’s website of the product you want to promote and see if they have an affiliate program and join it. Then start promoting the product and earning money.


– Finally, affiliate marketing is one of the best and easiest ways to earn money online. All you need to do is to find a product and start talking or writing about it.

– Now, I will be honest with you here. It is not easy to make sales at the beginning. As you need to bring traffic to your website and have a good number of followers on your social media platforms to start earning a good amount of money. That’s why you need to be consistent and patient and work on it.

– I hope this article helped you learn more about affiliate marketing.

– Keep on asking and learning. We are here to answer your questions.



This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

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