– If you want to get into the investment world and want to learn how to invest your money, you need to read the books in this list because they are going to walk you through the process of investing.
– Now, we know that there are many kinds of investing. And in this list, I am going to talk about investing books in both stocks and real estate markets.
I think everyone should learn how to invest their money smartly. And instead of freezing your money in banks, learn how to invest it to generate even more money. Even though you are a person who has never invested in your life, reading these books will teach you everything about investing, as they are good for beginners and for those who have enough knowledge in the investing world.

– Alright, let’s start with the list:



Peter Lynch is an American investor and mutual fund manager. He wrote many books on investing in the stock market. I really loved his books and enjoyed reading them because he mixes the psychology behind investing and this teaches you how the market acts with investing strategies. So, you learn to invest in a logical way. He doesn’t just teach you numbers, which makes you understand the stock market more.
Peter talks in this book about the reasons that make people lose in the stock market. He teaches you how to pick a stock and choose the good companies to invest in, and what you should look for when choosing them. Peter supports a long-term investing strategy. And this shows in the strategies he mentioned in this book because this is how you make money in the stock market as he and all good investors think. One of his famous strategies is buying shares and holding on to them and not letting go of them without a good reason. And if the stock price goes down is not a good reason to sell that stock. So, you shouldn’t care about the price if you are a long-term investor. And his answer to the question ” How much money should I invest?” is “only money you can live without for many years” because what happens tomorrow is always a guess in the stock market. He talks about the process of investing, like how to open an account and find a broker, and what the broker does. He talks about the investing world and what investors should look for. Peter teaches you in this book how to do research about a company, what questions you should ask yourself, and what you should consider before buying a company’s stocks. This book teaches you how to decide between buying a stock or not by reading the sales and earnings reports of a company. The author gives examples of famous and good companies like Nike and johnson & johnson. Now, Peter says that the worst mistake you could make is to change stocks or sit on your cash waiting for a correction. And If you time the market perfectly and buy at a low point, you profit more. And one of his good tips is that when he says that you should Stick to the company through thick and thin. And put a small amount of money to buy shares every month or 4 or 6.
I highly recommend you read it. It is a really good book and you will learn a lot about investing in the stock market from it.



This book teaches you investment strategies. It teaches you how to pick a stock and how to do research about the company you want to invest in. The author says that when investing in the stock market you should diversify because if one doesn’t do well, the next will. And you should invest in what you know. He says that choosing the company doesn’t depend on whether the company is big or small, or whether the stock is cheap or not. It is based on what you know about the company. And you shouldn’t fall in love with a stock, and invest regularly. And the best way to not be scared out of a stock is to buy them on a regular basis. Month in and month out.
The stock market is like seasons. When the stock goes down, you just have a chance to buy more. Peter talks about bonds and how they don’t make you much money. He is not a bond fan and actually neither am i. He explains why in the book. He explains all the terms used in the stock market. He talks about all the different funds and how to choose them. He also talks about what happens to a fund in a bear market and what to do. He teaches you how to buy stocks and test the market or business before buying stocks. He talks about a few famous businesses and what it is like to invest in them. He teaches you what to do if the prices are up. He explains to you what that means and when and how you need to invest. This book teaches you good investing strategies. It teaches you how to analyze a company and why you need to know the company before investing in it.
Peter has a lot of good strategies and you won’t regret reading all of his books. You are going to learn a lot about the investment world.



This book teaches you to invest from investors’ experiences, not from what schools teach. The author says that business schools don’t teach you to invest the right way. And He says that if having a business degree is all it took would be so many professional investors but there aren’t. This book teaches you small simple concepts to beat the market and almost anyone can master them. The author says “the secret to successful investing is to figure out the value of something and then pay a lot less”. He teaches you how to decide if the company is worth investing in or not. And he teaches you some strategies to choose and analyze the companies you want to invest in. He gives you a few methods to help you calculate the value of a company and measure its earnings. So, he talks about relative value, acquisition value, liquidation value, etc. But he says that those methods are still difficult to use and can’t give an accurate estimate of value. He says that It is hard to predict but it is still useful to know about the companies you want to invest in. And not even Wall Street succeeded in predicting the earnings of the companies in the market and they are very bad at predicting earnings for even the next year. He says if we don’t know how to value a business we can’t invest in it. The best course of action he said is to find the few companies where you have a good understanding of the business, the industry, and the future prospects for earnings then make your best estimates and comparisons for the companies you can evaluate.
He talks about what it is like to invest in big and small companies. He also talks about mutual funds and explains them. He talks about bad market timing and how poor decisions and buying and selling at the wrong time can make you lose in the market.
He talks about the different kinds of indexes, the performance of index funds and how the market reacts, and how we need to invest depending on numbers, not emotions. As we know that the market is emotional. And stocks get mispriced due to emotions.
He supports the long-term investing strategy. And he talks about how we humans by nature start to run and sell after 1 or 2 years of losses. And he says that the best strategy is to choose a portion of your assets to invest in the stock market and stick with it. But not 100% of your assets or savings so that you don’t lose everything if the market is not doing good.
All I can say is that it is a good book and it teaches you a lot about investing in the stock market. So, I highly recommend you read it.



Building wealth through real estate is possible for everyone and this book teaches you how. In this book, you learn how to think and act like a real estate investor. It gives you models to follow to become a real estate investor as you need to follow models in the field you want to succeed in and learn from people who have already proven their success in the field. This book changes the way you think of money because it teaches you the way money works. The author says that in real estate, you need to focus on opportunities, and take action. And that big money doesn’t come easily, small does. And a big plan leads to big money. And so, investing in real estate is a big plan and is your way to wealth and it can change your life. You know what they say “Money lives on the other side of fear”.
The author says that high wages in your job don’t make you wealthy, investing does. But you need to invest in what you know and fully understand, otherwise, you depend on luck. He says that investing is not risky as people think. It is the patience to find or wait for the right opportunity and take the correct action quickly. It is not risk-free but it doesn’t have to be risky.

And he says that it is not timing, it is about being in the market all the time and waiting for the opportunity. And what makes real estate not risky is that real estate is stable, slow to rise, and slow to fall. It doesn’t shock you or surprise you, and it is predictable.
This book teaches you how to be an investor in the first place. And so it says that you need to be organized and have a system and a plan. It teaches you how to buy a house and sell it making a profit. And how to buy wisely and safely, not being eager and buying without thinking. This book teaches you strategies that help you find and sell houses, and buy and negotiate. Also how to pay fewer taxes. And all the techniques you need to know when buying and selling houses with examples of people who made millions of dollars in this market. The author really gets into detail about what you should do and what to avoid when buying a house or selling it, how to make money from it, what is important when looking for a property, and which kind of house is better for what. Basically, he teaches you how to be a good investor in real estate.
I really recommend reading this book if you have fear of getting into the real estate market because it simplifies it for you and walks you through the process.



Robert Irwin is best known as a real estate broker and the author of best-selling books on real estate. He is an expert in real estate.
This book is for first-time investors. It takes you into the real estate world, and it teaches you how to be a real estate investor. This book answers the questions that first-time investors are likely to have. And as a new investor, the author says that in the begging it is a mistake to invest in real estate as a full-time job. He also encourages you to buy a property for the long term. And as property value always goes up, you will make a great profit.
The author walks you through the process of buying or selling a house. He teaches you how to find properties you can make a profit on, what to look for, how to negotiate, and what problems you might face. He talks about foreclosures, and REO ( real estate-owned properties) and explains each one. Robert talks about the mindset of buyers and sellers. And teaches you how to say the right word and act the right way to get the best offer. This book talks about real estate agents, why you need them, and what to look for when searching for one. He teaches you what questions you need to ask them and what the perfect answers to hear are. He talks about the difference between buying apartments, offices, and commercial buildings. He also talks about flipping houses and how to make profits from them. He also talks about rentals. How to find a good rental property and how to profit from it.
In this book, you learn 7 techniques used by most successful investors in real estate. Robert in this book teaches you how to be creative and know when and what to buy, and how to take opportunities and buy right. And the best strategy to follow is to put emotions aside and sell when prices are high, buy when prices are low, and hold until the right time. Robert says that investing in real estate can be a no-brainer. It is a matter of acquiring properties one at a time until you are wealthy.
When you read this book you feel like you are with a mentor who is walking through the process of investing in real estate.
It is an amazing book and you can tell how experienced the author is. I highly recommend you read it.



This book teaches you how to be a real estate agent, and how to choose the market to start with. It teaches you how to enhance your skills to convince people to buy a property. And the author says that it is not just about your selling skills because people nowadays rely on online information to find good properties. It means that most of your marketing depends on how well you manage your website and social media accounts. This book talks about the requirements to be a real estate agent. For example,
1- Getting a license.
2- Getting a mentor: You learn a lot from real-life experiences.
3- Taking courses: To increase your knowledge and the needed skills. He talks about courses you might need in this field and how they could benefit you in the real estate business.
This book talks about a lot of different properties and the differences between them. He talks about investing in Airbnbs and compares them with rentals. He gives you some ideas on how to enhance your rental. He also talks about the process of flipping houses. He says that either you buy a house and sell it after a few years when the prices are up, or you renovate it and sell it in months at a higher price. He goes deep and talks more about the renovation process. And he teaches you what you should look for and the mistakes you should avoid when searching for a house to buy and flip. This book gives tips to help you upgrade houses and make them more appealing to buyers and how to do that in a cheap way. Now, in another chapter, he talks about property management and teaches you how to be a good manager. For example, what managers are responsible for, what their role is, what skills they need to have, and what their tasks are. This book also talks about wholesaling, what is it? and how do you earn money doing it? He says that It is less risky as you are not investing your own money. The book covers some necessary points you need to understand to do wholesaling the right way and avoid mistakes.
This book talks about different types of investment properties. It talks about commercial and industrial properties and explains each one. It talks about the four types of REIT, what is it? and how to invest in it. It explains it all. It is a small book and just to the point. It is simple and easy to understand, and by reading it, you start getting familiar with the real estate world and the different opportunities in it.


– I hope this book’s review article was helpful. And I hope you succeed in your investing business.



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