Blue light is one of the lights that are existed within the spectrum of visible lights that comes from the sun and it is everywhere. It is located near the UV lights area, between violet and cyan in the spectrum. That’s why it is considered a high-energy light, and it can be harmful sometimes. It has a wavelength between 400 and 525 nm. And between that range, we find a good and beneficial type of blue light, and also a harmful type of blue light.



The biggest and most common source of blue light is the sun. And that is what explains why the sky is blue, because of the blue light coming from the sun. And the blue light that we are getting from our devices is actually less than what we are getting from the sun.
And in addition to the sun as a natural source of blue light, there is also an artificial source of blue light, for example, the lighting from bulbs we use in our houses, which is considered a concern. And all types of screens we are using like televisions, computers, tablets, cell phones…etc.



Well, in fact, a certain amount of blue light is required. Our bodies use the natural blue light coming from the sun to regulate our biological clock to help us sleep at night and wake up in the morning, and so that is helping us be awake and alert throughout the day and we need that. But on the other hand, too much blue light is harmful. So, once the sun sets down, the blue light is not there anymore which will trigger our brains to release melatonin, the hormone that prepares our bodies for sleep. But when we use electronic devices like our phones, computers, tablets…etc, that have blue light, we actually, getting ourselves exposed to blue light when we are not supposed to, which will keep us alerted and it causes other problems as blue light suppresses melatonin hormone. So when the sun sets down it means that we should not get any blue light anymore because it is harmful to the body and the eyes. I mean it is considered too much when we expose our bodies to blue light all day long as we are going against nature. And also blue light can penetrate into the eye and get to the retina in the back of the eye and as some types of blue light have high energy, it can damage the cells in the eye’s retina, and that can happen over time when you are constantly exposed to blue light.

Is the blue light we are getting from the sun really harmful?

Well, it is okay to be in the sun and get some blue light, the sun is really important for us humans and for the earth. But on the other hand, the sun can cause harm to you at the times when it is at its highest levels of energy like for example at midday. It can cause problems to your skin, your body, and your eyes, especially when you look directly at the sun or the reflection of it which can damage your eyes and kill the cells in the retina as the blue light that’s coming from it has high energy. And actually, sunlight is mostly, dangerous because of the ultraviolet radiation that has very high energy that can easily hurt your eyes and cause some serious problems.



As I mentioned earlier, the blue light that comes out of our screens is less than the blue light coming from the sun that we are exposed to all the time. And even when there are clouds in the sky, the blue light still exists.
And to answer this question actually, some studies were done on mice and rats that showed that high-energy blue light can affect the retinal cells in the back of their eyes. But there is still not enough evidence showing that blue light coming from digital devices affects the human retinal cells. So we are still waiting for more research to be done, to give us more information about this topic.
– But what we almost know is that the blue light coming from digital devices is harmful by causing these effects:


Blue light actually, suppresses melatonin, a hormone released in the brain to help you fall asleep. And so when you are exposed to blue light from the digital devices you are using, for example ( computers, phones, tablets.etc.) right just before you go to sleep, you become less sleepy and more alert.
And that is why we wake up in the morning once we get exposed to the sunlight, as it has a lot of blue light that helps keep us alerted and awake.
Why should you take care of the quality of your sleep? Well, sleep loss can cause immune system weakness, weight gain, poor memory, bad mood, depression, and tiredness throughout the day. So, it is not just a lack of sleep, it is bigger than that. That’s why it is very important to sleep well as it can affect your whole health.



There are still not enough research and evidence saying that blue light coming from digital devices is really that harmful. But let’s explain it logically, so, as the blue light coming from the sun is harmful when you get exposed to it for a long time or when getting too much of it, then also being constantly exposed to blue light coming from digital devices is harmful as well. because we are looking directly at those screens for a long long time, so this can damage the retinal cells over time and causes eye strain or eye fatigue.
And people who have high sensitivity to light can feel that fatigue more than other people. And that’s why some people saw some results when they protected their eyes from blue light and some people did not. But that does not mean that people with less sensitivity to light are not going to hurt their eyes when they are staring at their devices for a long time, but it is just that they do not feel the strain in the eye fast like people who are sensitive to light do.
In fact, you can notice it yourself. Like when you have a headache you can not look at digital screens or any light. And in that case, you feel like sitting in the dark and away from those devices will help you relax more and reduce your headache. And you will feel the neurons in your head are relaxed. you literally can feel them.
So, I think that this can explain that blue light can cause eye strain or fatigue, which will affect the neurons in your head as well and cause a headache.
So when staring at your phone, your computer, or any digital device you are using, you develop eye strain, also known as Computer Vision Syndrome. And when you hold the device close to your eyes and focus on it you actually force your eyes muscles to flex and release for a long time to help you see the object, which is a problem because it causes eye fatigue or eye strain, which leads to headaches or migraine.
And what can really cause damage to the eyes when you sit in front of your digital devices is focusing on those devices for a long period of time, and not blinking enough which is a problem as it causes so many issues such as; eye dryness, irritation, scratchiness, and even other problems like blurry vision. So in order to avoid those problems, you need to blink more often, and it is better to use lubricant eye drops whenever you use any digital devices to keep your eyes moisturized and avoid the eye issues I mentioned before. I really recommend it.



Blue light can affect the skin by causing free radical damage, which can cause early aging ( fine lines and wrinkles). Blue light also causes hyperpigmentation. So when you overexpose yourself to blue light that mainly comes from the sun with a specific wavelength, that actually can cause you skin problems such as loss of collagen, wrinkles, dark spots, and elastin breakdown. But as the blue light coming from digital devices is not as powerful as the blue light coming from the sun, then it is not going to damage your skin as the sun does. So it can be harmful depending on the brightness of the screens and how much space between you and the screen, and how long you sit in front of those screens.






-Do not expose yourself to the sun for a long time.
– Avoid the sun at midday, especially on summer days.
– Wear a hat or sunglasses when you go out in the sun.
– Wear sunscreen before you go out in the sun.
– Do not look directly at the sun as it damages the retinal cells in the eyes.


1- Do not use your digital devices for a long time and try to do something else.
2- Use blue light filter glasses whenever you want to use your digital devices. These glasses filter the blue light coming from screens, and they reduce the blue light getting into the eye. They are amazing, and you can actually see results after using them as I did. And especially if you are sensitive to light, they will be so beneficial to you.           

And I really think you should use the blue light filter glasses in the evening as it will prevent the blue light from getting into your eyes, which will not interfere with the melatonin hormone’s work. And your brain will still be able to release this hormone naturally to prepare you for sleep. And actually, I realized a big difference after using the blue light filter glasses, now I can fall asleep instantly after using my phone or laptop, but I was not able to before. And that makes sense because blue light suppresses melatonin.
There are so many different styles of blue light filter glasses that you can choose from. And they are very stylish actually, so you do not have to worry about wearing them.

And you can choose between a clear lens or a yellow lens, and the difference between them is that yellow lenses block more blue light than the normal clear ones do. But if you do not like the yellow lenses, you can use the clear ones throughout the day and then use the yellow ones at night as you need to block more blue light before you go to sleep.
And also, using these glasses will help your eyes stay more relaxed and not get eye strain. So they are going to relieve the muscles around the eyes. and also will help the neurons in your head to relax as they prevent the blue light from getting into your eyes, which will affect your head as well and cause a headache.
Make sure that the glasses block UV-A and UV-B light.
– So, if you are a person who uses a computer or any digital devices in general for so long, then definitely consider wearing blue light filter glasses as they are going to help you a lot. And though studies are still not completed, there are still so many people who have seen amazing results using these glasses, including me.

3- If your phone has blue light filter mode, turn that on. Or even nighttime mode would work as well. Most new devices have this mode, which will turn your screen yellow and protect your eyes from blue light.
4- Try not to use any sort of digital device at least 2 hours before you go to sleep.
5- Use the 20/20/20 method, every 20 minutes, you need to take a break from your computer and stare at something that is 20 feet away or further for at least 20 seconds.
6- Use eye drops to protect your eyes from dryness because staring at a device without blinking can cause dry eyes, which can lead to serious issues in the eye. And the one that I recommend is Refresh lubricant eye drops, they are safe to use multiple times a day, and they also have a non-preserved formulation for people who have had eye surgery or people who are sensitive to preservatives. And it is a good option to have because you can use this non-preserved formula as many times as you want throughout the day.


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