People who lack confidence suffer in different areas of their lives. Self-confidence is crucial for a person’s success. When you feel confident, you do better in your business, work, relationships, and all aspects of life. Being confident means you believe in yourself, and believe that you can do what you set your mind to do. That’s why you take risks, try new things, and socialize with others. But if you lack self-confidence, you become afraid of trying a new job, talking to people you don’t know, taking the next step in your business, and enjoying life in general. Lack of self-confidence can hold you back from doing a lot of things. When you lack confidence you lose a lot.
There’s a study that was made on a woman who was nominated for election. The women’s picture when she seemed confident got more votes than the picture when she looked less confident. So, confidence really affects your whole life.

– Anyone can be confident, and here are some tips to help you gain self-confidence:



Negative self-talk is what makes you feel less confident. All the thoughts you have in your head about yourself will show in your life. And they’re going to either increase your confidence or decrease it. Don’t sabotage yourself. Stop telling yourself that you’re not good enough. Focus on what you’re good at and stop focusing on what you’re not. It’s good to be aware of your weaknesses to improve yourself, but don’t focus only on them. And maybe your lack of confidence makes you think that you’re not good at anything but that’s wrong. Everyone has something special, you need to believe in that, you have it. Search for it. Imagine that you are with a friend and you only see their cons and don’t see their pros. And you only talk negatively with them because you only focus on their mistakes and failures. what do you think will happen? You’ll hate them and you won’t trust them in anything because you think they’re losers. And you will make them feel less confident. Same thing you do with yourself if you always negatively talk to yourself. Turning your negative self-talk into a positive one comes from focusing on the things you’re good at and proud of. And this will make you love yourself more and be confident.
And remember, whatever you keep telling yourself you’ll act like it. Because your actions are a reflection of your thoughts. So, pay attention to the things you say to yourself. There’s an article I wrote talking about how thoughts can control our lives whether they’re negative or positive. It’s an important article, click on the link below to read it:



Don’t expect to win everything because thinking this way will make you disappointed in yourself if you don’t get what you want, and you’ll lose self-confidence. Things don’t always go the way you want. So, don’t lose confidence when you fail. you can always try until you succeed but without losing confidence. Prepare yourself previously for failure before preparing for success. Know that you will fail and it’s okay. That doesn’t mean that you are a loser. People who depend on failure or success to feel confident or unconfident are emotionally unstable, and will never have real confidence because real confidence means that you are confident no matter what, not only in certain situations.



Wasting your time makes you feel less confident because you do nothing that brings value to your life or others. So, you start feeling unworthy and start losing confidence. Being lazy and doing nothing will make you lose self-respect. And because you do nothing to get you forward and make you feel proud of yourself, you feel less confident. When you set goals big or small and achieve them you respect yourself which will increase your self-confidence. Confidence always comes from achieving goals and completing tasks, then you start seeing yourself as capable of doing things because you have succeeded in proving that to yourself. Achieving goals can be at all levels, financially, spiritually, morally, etc. The more goals you achieve, the more your self-confidence increases and vice versa.



Comparing yourself to others kills self-confidence. And this issue has become bigger with social media. Where everyone’s life looks so perfect and yours looks nothing like it or at least that’s what you think. I know a lot of successful and confident people lose their confidence when they compare themselves to others who are more successful than them. Comparing yourself to others is not smart. Because everyone has different thoughts and values, is raised in a different environment, has different education, etc. We are different from each other, so we should learn from each other, not compare ourselves to each other. Look at people who don’t have what you have and think about them. How does that make you feel? More confident?. The best thing to do is to focus on yourself and your life and be grateful. And here’s something to take under consideration when you catch yourself comparing yourself to someone. Instead of comparing that person’s life that you wish you have with yours, why not compare both your actions. Then you can see that that person did a lot to reach that certain result you want as well, at the time that you were wasting your time maybe. Then instead of losing confidence because you don’t have the life they have, you start seeing possibilities to have the same life if you really want it by doing what that person is doing. So, it shouldn’t make you less confident because your life looks different from others.



Caring about what others say about you and how they see you play with your confidence. When they say good things and compliment you, you feel good, when they say bad things, you feel bad and you lose confidence. Confidence should come from the inside. When you feel confident inside it shows out. Knowing yourself, knowing your real worth or value, and knowing what you really deserve frees you and increases your confidence. And no matter what others say about you, it doesn’t change how you see yourself and how you feel.
Be your own cheerleader, and don’t lean on outside factors or validation to love yourself and be confident.



Confidence is not about being right all the time because everyone makes mistakes. Confident people make mistakes but they don’t lose confidence. They accept themselves in all cases.
The reason we don’t accept ourselves is that we see that we’re not perfect. And this makes us think that others don’t love us or love what we do because we don’t. So, instead of feeling unworthy for making mistakes or being imperfect, accept the fact that you have weaknesses and correct your mistakes and trust yourself, and trust that you can succeed in what you do. And this is how you feel confident.



Self-confidence comes from self-respect and self-love. Confidence comes from your self-image, from the way you see yourself. When we don’t love ourselves, we see all the mistakes in us. And that’s why we lose our confidence. And to love yourself you need to see the gifts you have and what you are capable of and focus on the things you did right not just focusing on your failures. I mean be fair to yourself to be able to love who you are and trust yourself.



Body posture affects how you feel, and vice versa. The way you move your body creates different emotions. So, when you act like a confident person, you feel confident. When you look at confident people you see that their heads are up, shoulders back, they look the person in the eye when talking to them, and they look comfortable when entering a room that is full of people. Act like confident people and you will feel it inside, and people around you will feel it too. And people can’t realize if you are really confident or acting like you’re confident. So, with practice, over time you will gain real confidence. Fake it till you make it.



When you are not good at anything or have no skills to help you with your life in general, you feel unworthy and less than others. And that for sure will lead to losing your confidence. So, find out what you love and what interests you and start learning skills in the field you’re interested in. And learn skills that you need in different areas in your life. When you have skills to serve you on your bad and good days you will trust yourself more. Because you know that you can handle your life.



Good habits give you a feeling of self-worth. And if you are living a good life, it means that you have good habits. If your daily habits look like waking up early, working out, eating healthy food, reading books, or whatever good habits mean to you, you are going to respect yourself and of course, feel confident because you created that life. On the other hand, If you live your life with bad habits, your self-esteem will go lower which will lead to less self-confidence.



Confidence can be quiet. It’s not about being seen, talking out loud, and drawing others’ attention. Being an introvert doesn’t mean less confidence. You can be quiet and confident. It is about feeling it inside and it will be seen and felt by others. Everyone shows confidence differently by being calm or loud, depending on their personalities.



It’s a learnable skill. You don’t become confident overnight, it happens gradually. And with practice, you will get better and better. And over time it will become natural. Everyone has a level of confidence in different areas in their lives. So, find the areas in which you feel less confident and practice being confident. Put yourself in an uncomfortable situation, and once you break that line of being fearful, you’ll realize it’s easy to be confident and comfortable because it helps you get rid of the pressure and stress you normally feel when you are unconfident. So yeah, practice makes perfect.


– Don’t think that confident people are confident all the time. They also have moments when they feel unconfident. But they don’t let that feeling control them. They always tell themselves positive things to help them overcome that feeling. We are human beings and we are not perfect. And you can always improve in whatever areas you want.



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