Everyone is looking for opportunities. Some say that they can find opportunities wherever they go, and some say they can’t find any. Well, what’s the difference between those two different kinds of people? Why do some people find opportunities everywhere they go, and some never find them?. Alright, keep reading to find all the answers.

First, let me tell you that opportunities are everywhere, wherever you turn your head to, you will find opportunities. So finding opportunities is not a problem, let’s agree on that first. The real problem is within you. You are not able to see those opportunities, because simply you’re not looking for them, and you only find what you are looking for. Now, I know that some things sometimes happen in your life when you’re not even looking for them, but, let’s be honest here, you’re not going to sit there and wait for things to happen, because that’s just random and it might or might not happen. You can’t depend on that.

Now let’s answer the following question:


Why can’t you see or find opportunities?


As I said, it’s hard to find opportunities when you are not looking for them. You can not sit in your place and wait for opportunities to come to you. It doesn’t happen this way.


How to look for opportunities and find them?


This is a good question, and the answer to it is simple and easy.
The world needs to be discovered, and by sitting in your house you won’t be able to do that. And the more you discover, the more opportunities you’ll find. Believe me, by discovering the world you’ll find wonders. And thanks to technology these days, you can discover the world from your place, almost. You need to put yourself out there. You can find opportunities even in the simple stuff. for example in a word you hear from someone, on a youtube video you watch, in a new place you visit….etc. When you start seeking, opportunities will start showing up, now, that’s the rule.

To find opportunities you need to follow these steps:

1- You need to change your mindset:

So you need to change the way you think, and you need to know that if you want something you need to search for it and work hard to get it. And I’m talking to you here from my experience. See, I was always dreaming of being a certain way or having certain things, and I was always waiting for my life to suddenly change, and for opportunities to start showing up in my life, And I was always wondering how successful people know certain stuff and how they can achieve their goals. I never understood until one day I started searching for answers, and since that day my life has changed, and I started to understand the process and the secret behind the stories of all successful people in the world. And I knew that it was me who was holding me back. And I started thinking about the time I had wasted waiting for my life to change while I was the only one who was able to change my life but if I only had started searching for answers at that time. But I’m still so thankful to know that now, better late than never, you know. and eventually, I became able to make my dreams come true. like not all of them but that’s normal, because we always have dreams and goals, and as life is changing and as we grow and learn, our dreams and goals also change and grow with us. but like I knew the way to make me able to make my dreams come true. I mean I understood the process.
And so that’s why I’m sharing this with you now because I don’t want you to waste your time waiting for something to change your life, After all, that thing will never come. you need to go and grab that thing. STOP WAITING, and TAKE ACTION.


2- Stop doing the same things, and try doing new things:

If you are doing whatever you are doing in your life right now, and you’re getting results that you are not satisfied with, then you definitely should start doing things that are different from the things you used to do to get different results. And you need to keep trying until you get the results that satisfy you
For example; if you are talking to the same people every day, and probably people you talk to every day are your family or close friends and I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with that, don’t get me wrong!. but what I’m saying is that it’s not enough. You need to meet new people, you need their experiences in life, and you need to be introduced to a new kind of thinking. And because everyone is unique, then meeting new people means being introduced to different thoughts and ideas. And that is an opportunity, and it’s to have a thought or an idea that could flip your life and turn it upside down in a good and positive way of course. and also traveling and visiting new places, reading a new book with a different subject, or watching videos on youtube on subjects that are different from the ones you normally are interested in. all that will give you new ideas and thoughts that you can apply to your life. So just having new and different experiences will change your mindset, and will help you with your relationship with yourself and with others, and it’ll make you gain so much knowledge that will help you improve your life. All that is called opportunity, and it’s what can help you to have the life you want.


3- Take action:

Taking action is the key to making any change you want in your life. So move, do something, apply what you learn to your life, take risks, and try new things. Don’t just stand still. Taking action will get things to move in your life which will make you experience new things, get to know new stuff, gaining knowledge. Taking action actually will help you to see opportunities around you. And if you’re not feeling like it, force yourself to do it, you will never regret it.



4- Stop saying if:

This word is toxic, try staying away from it. Because this word will get you nowhere. for example; If I only went to this college, I would be successful, or if I only had a lot of money I would start my own business. or if I only lived in that country, I would do this, this, and that. let me tell you something, you would be able to do all of that if you only did not use the word if and started taking action instead. see, when you spend your present saying the word (if), then you will again have a future of (if), and this means that you’ll spend your whole life saying the word(if). So, stay away from that word, and whatever you wanted to do in the past but couldn’t, start doing it right now instead of wasting your time talking about the past.


5- Make a plan:

Writing down your plan with all the steps you need to follow to achieve your goals will make it clear to you that you need to do this or learn that or take a particular action to get closer to your goals, And so by following those steps, you’ll learn new things, having new experiences, and new doors will open for you where you can find opportunities which eventually will help you reach your goals.
when I started writing down my plan to achieve my goals my whole life changed, it is like I started seeing the light. I started seeing the way that I need to walk on, to reach my dreams and goals. And I got introduced to completely different things that started showing so many opportunities in my life.

And here I want to talk about my planner/journal that I use to write down my plans and goals. I wanted it to be helpful, and it really did the job. This planner/journal will help you keep track of your goals. And it goes deeper than that by giving you a space to reflect. So it’ll help you know yourself better, and let you know what helped you achieve or not achieve a certain goal. So if you want to get click on the link below:

And can you please tell me in the comments on Amazon about your thoughts?

Now we can answer the question we asked at the beginning, and it’s what is the difference between people who see opportunities and those who don’t.
See the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people can see the future, while unsuccessful people can not.
So when you start seeing the future you start seeing the present with all the solutions to your problems, and you can use anything you can see around as an opportunity that can help you get closer to the future that you are dreaming of.
Successful people say I want to be this and have that, and so they ask questions and they search for answers, and after finding the answers to their questions, they set goals and they make a plan to achieve those goals and they succeed. not because an opportunity showed up suddenly in their lives but because they were the ones who created those opportunities.
So opportunity is something that you create, something that you search for in order to find. SO, what are you waiting for?!.
Now, at this very moment, you can start answering the questions you have about your life, and how you want it to be. And then start taking action toward achieving your goals. See, once you know what you want, you can start following the steps that can eventually help you reach your goals. So an opportunity is something that you create.
Do not wait for opportunities to come, you get them.



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