Youtube has been so popular for the past few years and it is even going to get more popular in the future. Youtube is a great platform to express yourself freely and put your thoughts out there for everyone to see. And it is a great way to engage with people from all over the world, and so that’s why so many people want to open youtube channels. And you can actually, make a good amount of money from it at the same time. So you can turn it into a career for yourself. But because so many people are on this platform, the competition is high. and to be honest it is not easy to have a youtube channel and get views but on the other hand, it is not impossible. And so here I am giving you a few steps to follow to grow your youtube channel and get more views.


First, you need to know why you want to open a youtube channel. What is your purpose? Because it is so important to have a purpose or a goal to reach with your channel so that you can be consistent with it. And not give up so easily. Because you can not grow your youtube channel overnight, it needs a lot of patience to get views and get noticed on youtube. And so that’s why you need to love what you are doing and you need to be ready to devote your time and your energy to it.


Now choosing the topic that you want to talk about is so important. Actually, it is the main reason why people want to watch your videos and subscribe to your channel. Your content should relate to people who are watching. You want people to gain something after watching your videos. Your content should be valuable. For example, solving people’s problems by giving them solutions to a topic you have knowledge on, or maybe spreading positivity and motivation, sharing your journey or story if you find it useful and you feel like people need to know about it. You basically, want people to feel good, motivated and learned something after watching your videos. Otherwise, why would someone click on your videos and watch them until the end? You need to give people a reason to do that. And this also will help you gain loyal subscribers who want to watch every single video you post because you are helping them with something, you’re giving them valuable content and making them happy and satisfied.


I always say that about everything in life, and Youtube is just one of them. Why is this important? Well, because it helps you to create your videos with love. And this is going to show in your videos. Your passion will show in your videos, and people who are watching your videos can feel it. So they will feel that you really care about them and you believe in what you are doing. And this is super important because if you believe in something and if others can see it, they are going to believe in what you’re giving them as well and they’re going to feel your honesty. So make sure to create content on topics you love and care about.


You need to be consistent and upload videos to Youtube regularly. If you upload a video today and the next one is one month later or maybe more people actually will get bored and forget about you. Even Youtube loves consistency because when you are consistent with uploading videos Youtube will keep suggesting your videos to people and this is amazing. because this will make your videos appear to people so they are going to be able to see your videos and click on them and go to your channel. Youtube doesn’t want to promise people content that is not trustable, content that appears one day and disappears the other day. So being consistent is what helped all content creators to get more views and subscribers. And helped them be successful on Youtube.



Let’s be honest. It is the reason why people are clicking on your videos. You might have good content, but how people would know that if they don’t get into your video first. So your title should be interesting enough to attract people and make them click on your videos. And so that’s why you need to use searchable words. They are the keywords that people write almost all the time when they want to search for something. And here I recommend a great tool to help you with that. This tool is TUBEBUDDY. With this tool, you can drive more traffic to your channel, and of course, more subscribers. It helps your channel grow by helping you find high-performing, searchable video topics and then create the perfect titles and tags for you to use. And it also shows you the status of other Youtube videos and the keywords and tags that those YouTubers used in their videos that helped them rank high on Youtube. This tool has so so many features to help you rank higher in search results. A very amazing tool. I highly highly recommend it as it helps so many YouTubers grow their channels in a short period of time. Click on the link below to go to TubeBuddy:

TubeBuddy logo



Having a good thumbnail is the reason why people click on your videos. And if your video shows up in suggested videos or Youtube searches and doesn’t get clicked, it is a sign that your thumbnail is not good enough to make people click on it. And this can really, hurt your channel because it makes Youtube think that your video is not good enough to be suggested to people to watch, and that will make Youtube stop suggesting your videos to others. And you do not want that to happen because this is the best way to get views on your channel. So you need to do your best to make professional and high-quality thumbnails that help you get more clicks on your videos.
What I personally, recommend using to make high-quality thumbnails is CANVA. This tool is free, but you can always upgrade to get more photos, shapes, and elements. But actually what you can get from the free version is going to amaze you.
You can go to CANVA by clicking on the link below:


Try to make videos of high quality. It is actually, one of the main reasons that keep people watching your videos. And I’m not saying that you should have the most expensive equipment to start a Youtube channel. In fact, you can start a Youtube channel with simple stuff, and you can always upgrade as you grow on Youtube. So it’s not about having the most expensive equipment, but it is about being creative and working with what you’ve got or not spending much to get good equipment. And don’t worry, you will get better as you go. But if your budget allows you to get high-quality equipment, then I recommend you to invest in your channel and get good and high-quality equipment, because it will pay off later. But if you don’t, do not worry, because you can always start with the basics. And so I want you to pay attention to the following things to help you make high-quality videos for your youtube channel:


Believe me when I say that it is the most important thing when it comes to making videos. And the best source of lighting is absolutely the sun. But if it is hard for you to get lighting from the sun. Then you can use artificial lighting that can give the same results. And the most famous ones for filming sitting videos are ring lights, or softboxes if you want to film in wide space.



To be honest here. No good audio means no views. You need to understand that it is the most important thing in making videos. You may watch low-quality videos if the audio is so clear and high quality, But you can never watch high-quality videos if the audio is bad or low in quality. So make sure at least invest in this one thing to help people watch your videos. And here are the microphones that I recommend.

Here is a one on a budget:       



And here is a high-quality one:




It is actually, important to have a camera, but if you are not able to get a camera at the beginning, you can always start with using your phone’s camera, and then you can upgrade to a good camera. Just do not let anything stop you. So many YouTubers did that, and they are now very successful. But if you can get a camera at the beginning of starting your channel, then do that and invest in a good camera because it is 100% better to use a camera. And you can tell the difference when you watch a video filmed by a good camera or a video made by a phone’s camera. People would want to watch videos made professionally. And if you ask me about my opinion, here are the cameras that I recommend:

A camera on a budget:


A High-quality camera:


_The last thing that I want to tell you is to be patient and hold on to your dreams and work hard to make them come true. Just do not lose motivation and still believe in yourself no matter how many struggles you are going to face or what other people’s opinions you are going to hear about what you are doing. Just stay strong and positive, and remember nothing comes easily. And as I always say, you need to use your imagination to draw some dreams, then you need to work hard to make them come true, then enjoy living your dreams, not just in your imagination, but in reality too.




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