Reading is the most beautiful thing you can add to your life. I know it has been for me and all readers. And if you’re not a reader and want to start reading, I promise you that it’s something that you’ll never regret doing. I hear so many people have an excuse for not reading, and it’s either because they’re busy or they don’t like reading. Now if you don’t like reading and you haven’t read a book in your life, then you need to try it before judging it. It might seem boring for you and it takes a lot of time, but let me tell you that it’s not like that at all. Reading is very exciting. while reading you always learn something new, something exciting, and you always find answers to your questions. And I promise that once you start reading and making it a habit you’ll find it more exciting than watching a movie. But if you say that you don’t have time for reading, then let me tell you that not finding time is a myth. Because you have time for the things you love. So if you want to read more books and you can’t find the time to do that then let me help you with that by giving you some very effective ideas to help you find the time to read, and finish about 150 books a year. Yes, that’s right. If I did it, then you can too. So if you are already a reader and want to even read more, then this is going to be very helpful for you. And if you’re not but want to start reading, then Knowing how to read more is like knowing how to read in general and make time for that.

1- You need to have a reason to read:

Why are you reading? what is your goal of reading? You need to have a reason. Something to push you into reading. You need to have this something deep inside that motivates you to make time for reading no matter what a busy schedule you have. Because you know that reading is what makes you do what you’re doing. Your life is getting better because of reading, and that once you stop reading you’ll stop growing and having a good life, or maybe you have some other reasons. Once you have a reason, you’ll have this great desire to do it. Think about eating. You eat to stay alive. You work to gain money and support yourself, you go to school to learn and grow and be able to have a good life. Also, reading. You must have a reason to make you read. For me, reading helps me grow in my personal and business life. It is constantly giving me ideas that help me have a great life. And you too, you need to know what reading means to you. And how much it affects your life. And this will give you the reason to do it.

2- Read in your free times:

So many people complain about not having enough time to read. Now, after reading this you are going to be surprised about how much time you have and you don’t even realize it. For example; You can read in the morning while you’re having your coffee or tea, you can read while you are waiting in the line in a coffee shop or a restaurant, or even in government buildings while you’re waiting to get some papers done, or hospitals and so on. We waste so much time while waiting in lines. So we can read or listen to books in that free time. And instead of getting angry because of waiting, you are going to start to enjoy those times. You can read and listen to books before bedtime. So you can go to bed before an hour of your sleeping time and read in that time. Also if you count how many hours you spend on social media scrolling down Instagram posts or Facebook pages, that’s going to be a lot of time. So if you spend half of those hours reading or listening to books you’ll be surprised about the number of books you’ll be reading in a year just by using that time you’re wasting on social media. You can wake up one hour earlier than you usually wake up and read. And if you say ” why would I wake up early just to read”, I’ll say that it is worth it. Once you know the importance of reading you wouldn’t just wake up early to read, you will also never waste any free moment you have to read. And you will make time in your busy schedule for reading because you know it is a priority for you, and it helps you to grow in your personal and business life.
Believe me, if you think deeply about your daily habits and activities, you’ll find out that you have so much free time to read or do so many other stuff that you love to do but you think that you don’t have the time to do them.

3- Listen to audiobooks:

Listening to audiobooks has changed my life completely. Let’s say that instead of reading 70 books a year I started reading almost 150 books a year just by listening to audiobooks. And what I love about audiobooks is that it makes it easy to you to read whenever and wherever. Sometimes we’re in someplace and we have some free time but we don’t have a book with us, like waiting in lines, or when we’re in lunch breaks. Or when we’re doing things that don’t require us to be focused, and we think about reading books. but the fact that we’re not able to carry a book because we’re doing some chores or working out, or walking, etc.. makes it hard for us to read a paper book. And even before we go to sleep, when we’re too sleepy to read a paper book, but we can close our eyes and listen to audiobooks. So listening to audiobooks will make it easier for you in those kinds of situations, and will make you take advantage of the time that is already wasted. Believe me, listening to audiobooks will make doing chores a fun thing to do. Listening to books while doing things that don’t need focus will change your life. And will definitely help you read a lot more books. And all you need is your phone.

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4- Skip the books you already know what’s in it:

Let’s say that you read books that have the same topics. But each book talks about that topic differently. And you learn something new from each one of them. But sometimes you come across books that repeat themselves and other books. And they don’t have something new to present. And you already know what the book is about and you know all the information in there after reading a few lines in different chapters of that book. So simply leave that book and don’t read it and don’t feel guilty to do so. because normally we feel guilty when we don’t finish the book we’re reading. Actually, there’s nothing wrong with that. If you already know what’s in that book then don’t continue reading it. Because you’re just wasting your time. And probably you’ll get bored of reading and it might take a very long time to finish the book Because you’re forcing yourself to read it. So you’ll lose the motivation to read and this will make you have a bad experience of reading which will make you not read, and get bored of reading in general. So you need to read the books that interest you and can add value to your life. And if you do so you’ll stay always motivated to read more and you’ll enjoy reading much more.


5- Read different topics at the same time:

Sometimes you get bored of reading the same book for days because you’re not always in the mood to continue reading the same topic. So, in this case, my advice is to read two or three books at the same time with different topics. For example; you read a book in the morning and another book on a different topic in the evening and choose the topic that you feel like reading at that moment. So instead of stopping to read because you got sick of the topic, you shift into another topic, and this way you’ll continue reading and never get bored, and you’ll enjoy reading more. Because sometimes you’re just not in the mood to read a certain topic. So instead of waiting until you’re in the mood again to continue reading the rest of the book, just choose another book with a different topic and start reading it until you’re ready again to continue with the other book. This way you’ll never stop reading and of course will read a lot more.



It is one of the most helpful ways that could help you to read more. Because to be honest you can’t carry books wherever you go. and sometimes things happen without planning, when you’re outside waiting for something, or in a line, or you have a lunch break, so you have free time and you feel like reading instead of wasting your time and getting angry for waiting because most people don’t like to wait. So reading pdf books will be the perfect way to read in these kinds of situations. Because it doesn’t matter where you are or if you have a book with you or not, you’ll still be able to read, and that’s either by carrying a kindle with you wherever you go, or you can download pdf books on your phone or laptop so you can read whenever and wherever.

7- Make a list of the books you want to read:

Making a list of the books you want to read for the following week or month will make you very excited to finish the book you’re reading to move to the next one. And you continue having this excitement until you finish the books on the list. This will make you always want to read. And just looking at the titles of the books on the list will turn on your curiosity. So you start reading book after book until you finish them all. I love doing that because it motivates me to read. And it keeps me always excited for the next book. Because I know what it is going to be from the title of it. But when you don’t know what is going to be next, you’ll be lost and it might take you a long time to finish the book you’re reading because you don’t know what’s next.


8- Schedule your reading time:

It’s better to have a schedule to help you make time for reading. And also this will help you make reading a habit. By writing down your reading schedule in your planner, you’re actually making it a priority for you. And it’s important to set a time to read, in the morning, in the evening, whatever the perfect time is for you to read. Just write that in your planner and keep crossing off your daily reading achievements. This way you’ll treat reading as a daily task that needs to be done.


9- Commit to reading:

You have to take reading seriously if you love to read and if you think that reading is important for you because it is changing your life and teaching you how to deal with it in general. Because reading does that. So thinking about reading as a place where you learn and grow will actually make it a priority for you to read on a daily basis. Because it is what makes life exciting for you, and it helps you have the life you’re dreaming of. And to go back to the first thing we mentioned and it is to have a reason to read because once you know your reason you will commit to reading. When you treat reading as a priority you will find the time to read.

_ If it wasn’t for those ways I mentioned to read more books I wouldn’t be able to read 100 – 150 books a year. And to be honest, reading has been the most exciting experience I ever had in my life.



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