Waking up early has a lot of benefits. It’s the habit that will change your life. We talked about those benefits in another article, click on the link below to read it.

– Now, after knowing the benefits of waking up early, maybe you’re now inspired and want to build a habit of waking up early, and maybe you’re wondering how you’re going to do that. Because it might be challenging at first. But don’t worry because this is what we’re going to talk about in this article. I’ll be giving you the most effective ways to help you wake up early.
– When you wake up in the morning your brainwaves go from delta to theta to alpha to beta. Beta is the fully conscious state. And so you need to be in the beta state to be fully awake. Here are some of the tips that will help you be at that state to be fully awake.



You should have a reason to motivate you to wake up every day. Something exciting that will make you always excited for the next day. If you have a dream, a goal, this will give you the energy to wake up early every day. Something should be more tempting than staying in bed. Maybe you want to work on your own business, or you might need extra time to practice your hobbies, or it can be as simple as walking in nature and watching the sunrise. Having a good reason will definitely, make you get out of bed with enthusiasm. And again, don’t forget to check the article I wrote about the benefits of waking up early. It might give you a reason to wake up early every day. Click on the link below:



Waking up early without knowing what to do or where to start might make you waste your morning doing nothing but deciding what to do. And believe me, this is not a motivating reason to wake up for. When you plan your day or just your morning the night before ( it doesn’t have to be a complicated plan. You can write it down or enough for you to know what you want to do the next morning), you get inspired to wake up early to get things done instead of wasting your morning hours deciding what to do. If you wake up not knowing what to do, you’re probably going to go back to sleep again.
And what I recommend is that you do the exciting work in the morning because this is going to make you love your mornings and be excited about them every day.


Open the curtains in your room before you go to sleep to be able to get sunlight in the morning. Once you get sunlight, your brain releases a pulse of cortisol to wake you up and make you alert and focused. And it gives you the energy you need to start your day. It is natural, it is good cortisol. Cortisol is high in the morning to alert you and wake you up and low at night to be able to go to sleep. Now, if you want to wake up before sunrise, then you need to turn on an artificial light once you wake up to help you be alerted because light inhibits melatonin, the sleeping hormone. Or if you have automated lights, put them on a timer to go on before you wake up. because again being exposed to light is going to wake you up.
And you want to do the opposite in the evening and avoid lights to make your brain release melatonin to help sleep early, and that will lead to waking up early.



By doing so, you will have to get out of bed and walk to the phone to turn off the alarm. And so standing up and moving your body is going to wake you up. Now, if you think that you can’t help but look at your social media, then do not use your phone at all as an alarm but you still want to put it away to avoid looking at it first thing in the morning and spending hours scrolling down social media pages. You want to avoid doing that because you won’t be motivated to wake up early again. As you don’t want to wake up early just to scroll social media pages. It’s not worth it.



Because you wake up in theta state (Theta brain waves occur when you’re sleeping or dreaming), it’s much easier to hit the snooze and go back to sleep in that state. So what I recommend you do is, as soon as you open your eyes you need to get up and sit on your bed. The first moment of waking up is the hardest. So you need to get over sleepiness once getting up. You don’t want to stand up immediately because you don’t want to shock your body, you need to do it gradually. So, sit on your bed just for a few seconds and then stand up and start your morning.



Drink water as soon as you wake up. You need to hydrate your body because you spent many hours during the night without water so you get dehydrated. Once you hydrate your body you’ll feel energetic and awake. And it’s better to drink water with lemon because you’re not only going to get hydrated, you’ll get many benefits from the lemon as well. And this will set your stomach up for when you drink coffee later. Because you have to avoid drinking coffee first thing in the morning, just delay it for later on the day. Because cortisol which is the stress hormone is the highest in the morning and coffee will raise that level even more. And so eventually you’ll need more coffee because you built a tolerance to it. And in addition to the other health issues that are caused by drinking coffee on an empty stomach.



Enjoy your morning. Do things that make you feel happy and excited to motivate you and encourage you to wake up early every day. It can be something simple as watching the sunrise, reading a book in a calm environment like your balcony while getting clean oxygen, or walking outside. See, Your brain creates neural connections between waking up and the things you are doing at that time and according to how those things make you feel, you’ll either keep waking up early every day. After all, you’re doing things that make you happy because you want to feel those good feelings, or you give up doing that because your brain linked your waking up early with negative emotions So you’ll avoid or hate waking up early after that.



Do things that trigger you to wake up. For me, I set a motivational song as an alarm. And so when I hear it in the morning it triggers and motivates me to wake up and it gets me moving immediately with a smile on my face. Also, because I love coffee, the smell of coffee triggers me to wake up. Now, I don’t drink it first thing in the morning but I look forward to it every morning. I drink coffee during the day but morning coffee is special for me, so the earliest I finish my morning routine the earliest I drink my coffee. I have a routine every morning that I need to finish before I drink my coffee ( like praying, meditating maybe) and so having coffee after that looks like a reward to me. I love my morning routine and that’s why I love waking up early every day. So, find your triggers to help you wake up.



Sleeping early can be challenging if you normally sleep late. So, I have a very effective way to help you sleep early and wake up early. And it’s to first wake up early even if you sleep late, and then sleep early. Because it is easier to wake up early than go to bed early. Now, because you didn’t get much sleep you’ll feel tired and sleepy earlier the following night which will get you to sleep early, which again will help you wake up early the next day. Now, what will happen is that when you wake up the cortisol puls that you get, will trigger the inner clock and set a timer to regulate your biological clock. After 12 to 16 hours your brain releases melatonin to help you sleep. You do the math.
The quality of your sleep is so important. If you want to benefit from your sleep you need to sleep between 10 pm – 2 am. So, by sleeping early at the right time, you will naturally wake up early the next day without feeling tired or sleepy.



Try to wake up one hour earlier every day to get your brain used to it. for example; If you normally wake up at 10 am, try to wake up at 9 am the next day, then 8 am, and so on. Why you don’t want to do that? well, because You don’t want to feel tired and sleepy the next morning, which might not be encouraging for you to make you keep waking up early after that. By doing it gradually you’ll be more likely to stick to it and build a habit.



By waking up at the same time every day, your biological clock will be set at that time. And after a while, you will naturally wake up at the same time without an alarm. And that also will help you sleep at the same time. Because your hormones are regular and so is your inner clock timer.



Waking up early is a habit. So, keep doing it until you develop a habit. Don’t forget, practice makes perfect. Don’t expect it to be easy at first, but it’ll get easier the more you do it. And it will become your new normal and part of your daily routine.



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