Why is it important to know about future jobs?

When you know about the future jobs, you can prepare yourself for them by learning the skills you need to get a job that could build your future with a high salary instead of wasting your time doing a job that might not be in demand in the future or it might even disappear as we all know the world is evolving really fast.
Here we have some of the most important jobs that are going to be in high demand in the future according to U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS.


Digital marketing jobs are already in high demand and they’re going to even increase more in the future. We are living in the internet world. We are selling our products on the internet, we are ordering products through the internet. It’s much easier. plus, we can reach the world through the internet. So that’s why almost all companies have their own websites to sell their products and services because simply they reach more people through the internet and from all over the world. especially after the pandemic, lots of stores and companies started working online. So after what people experienced through the pandemic, they are more aware now and they’re turning to the internet to run their businesses, just in case if we will have other pandemics in the future. And it is an important job because these days people are more educated and they’re being more creative, so high percentage of people trying to open their own business and trying to sell their products and services online, so they need people to help them with that because it’s not easy and it needs people who are specialists like digital marketers to help them sell their products and services online.
The digital marketing specialist’s role is to promote the company’s products or services online, through social media, websites, mobile applications, emails, etc., and to find more clients to the company and build trust in the brand. So basically, their job is to find different ways to drive traffic and sell more of a company’s products and services.

Education: You need a bachelor’s degree, but it’s not enough, as you need to be up to date with what’s new in the digital marketing world, because it’s constantly changing as the world is evolving really fast. So you need to take courses from time to time to learn about the new strategies. And you need to have good knowledge of social media.

Salary: $59,000 / year on average.



Education is essential in everyone’s life. and it’s going to be more important in the future. there won’t be a place for uneducated people. And so to keep up with the world’s evolution, you need to be well-educated. And to get a job, sometimes it’s not enough to have a bachelor’s degree, you need to also have some skills to be good at your job. And because so many companies ask for someone’s skills and experience these days, The amount of courses is uncountable. New courses have been created, that we didn’t even know about two decades ago. And this market is only growing bigger and bigger. So if you are good at something, you can start teaching others about what you know and earn a pretty good amount of money by doing so. And teaching online is what we are specifically talking about. For example: creating and selling your courses online, or even teaching online, like live courses.
And there are so many websites where you can study from or sell your courses, like Skillshare, Udemy, and so many others.

Education: A certification in the field you are teaching to gain people’s trust. Or being an expert in your field and you also need to prove that to the clients by “marketing yourself” through social media. People need to know you and trust you to be willing to buy your course.

Salary: Depends on how many people are buying your course or how many courses you have. But some courses cost thousands of thousands of dollars. Depends on how expert the course creator is and how effective the course is.



Social media is dominating the world. And the number of content creators is increasing. So that’s why so many professions have been created along with it. and because content creators job is not easy, because they have to deal with so many things, they need people to help them with that. For example social media managers, cameramen, content writers, editors, designers.

Education: A bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, communication. You also need to understand the social media world very well. And it’s better to take courses that have to do with social media and marketing from time to time, as this field is constantly evolving and changing.

salary: 61,000$/year on average.



One of the highest paying jobs. Software developers design computer applications or programs. And it’s projected to grow 22% by 2029.

Education: A bachelor’s degree in computer science.

Salary: Median salary is $110,000/ year.



They analyze data and apply computational techniques to solve problems. They help with developing companies, and with scientific research, and they work with government agencies. It is projected to grow 33 % by 2029. It is going to be in high demand as collecting data or data analytics is considered very important for companies that want to sell their products and services and for government agencies.

Education: They need at least a master’s degree in mathematics or statistics. Some companies accept a bachelor’s degree.

Salary: The median salary for mathematicians is $110,000 / year.
The median salary for statisticians is $92,000 / year.


Nowadays data is everything. And organizations are realizing the power of it to make the best decisions. Data scientists are kind of problems solvers. They understand the goal of a company and they help them achieve that goal by collecting data and analyzing them deeply, and based on the information they get, they start creating models to help to improve the product and they make adjustments to get perfect results. It is projected to grow 31 % by 2029.

Education: You will need at least a bachelor’s degree in data science or a computer-related field as an entry-level data scientist. But most data science careers will require a master’s degree. You can develop the required skills through courses to help you with your career. Because in this field you need to be up to date with the new strategies, and also experience matters.

Salary: $116,000 per year on average.



According to all researches, the future is all about artificial intelligence. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence. It is how the machine learns by itself through experience and by the data that’s given to it. Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, to make predictions or decisions without being programmed to do so. See when you use social media and when you like photos or look at products, after this, you find ads everywhere based on your interests. Now this behavior is what you can link to machine learning. So now you understand why it is important in every company to have AI or machine learning specialists because they help the company to find clients who are interested in their products and services and help with selling them.

Education: A master’s degree in computer science, mathematics.

Salary: 146.000$ on average.



Data is more valuable than oil. Yep, this is the future. All companies, organizations, and agencies’ information is stored in a digital system instead of the traditional way like paper profiles. And they are very important and confidential data, they need to be secured from hackers or people who try to reach certain data and steal it. And so people who protect an organization’s computer networks, systems, and data from being stolen are called cybersecurity analysts. And they monitor network and application performance to identify irregular activity. As a few other responsibilities to keep the organizations’ data secure. This job is already in high demand as it’s a top priority for a company to have cybersecurity analysts to protect their data from hackers. It is projected to grow 31 % by 2029.

Education: a bachelor’s degree in a computer-related field. But experience is required. Because cybersecurity analysts deal with sensitive and very important data, So they need to be trusted and experienced.

Salary: $103,000 / year on average.


Here I want to talk about one of the best platforms to learn all about technology-related fields. And it is UDACITY. I myself had a course on programming and got a certification. I can say that it was the best experience ever. Teachers are so professionals. You can start learning programming and all tech stuff from zero. It doesn’t matter if you know nothing about programming. Their Nanodegree programs are built in partnership with the world’s most innovative tech companies and taught by industry leaders like Google and Microsoft and many others. They teach the critical tech skills that companies are looking for to help get the job that is going to be in high demand in the future.
Click on the link below to visit the website and learn more about it:



It is considered one of the fastest-growing professions. It grows by 61 % yearly.
Wind turbine service technicians install, maintain, and repair wind turbines.

Education required: attending a technical school, and Long-term on-the-job training.

Median salary: $56,000/ year.



They set up, and maintain rooftops or other systems that convert sunlight into energy. It’s predicted to grow 51% by 2029. And it’s considered one of the important professions as it is a way to take care of the environment.

Education: High school diploma or courses at a technical school or community college can be enough. on-the-job training also is enough.

Salary: Median salary is $46,000 per year.



People these days enjoy food more than ever, and it’s become a necessity that everyone is trying to find the best food for them to enjoy and to take care of their health. And because you don’t just eat food when you’re hungry, but you eat to entertain yourself. So that’s why cooks and restaurants are racing to try to create different kinds of food to satisfy the consumers. which made this profession grow by 10% yearly. Although some machines and robots have certain jobs in the food industry, still they are not yet at a human level.

Education: Cooks can learn through training or work experience. Or by studying at a culinary school.

Salary: $27,000 per year on average.



we’ve been seeing them everywhere. People these days are paying more attention to their health. And they’re trying to take care of their bodies. So they’re exercising more and that’s with the help of fitness trainers. Fitness trainers instruct and motivate individuals or groups in exercise activities. And they help them get the perfect results to keep a healthy body shape. And it is projected to grow 15 % by 2029.

Education: High school diploma or equivalent. And Short-term on-the-job training is required.

Salary: $40,000 /year on average.





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