Appreciate yourself by learning every day to master every area in your life and live happily. Learning how to look after your body, soul, and mind. And learning how to earn money to look after yourself, your family, and people who are in need in this world will help you participate in changing this world for the better. And that’s why I am sharing with you my experience and other people’s experiences of success to inspire you to do the best you can so that you can achieve your goals and dreams whether they are big or small. You can always do it as long as you insist to. And i want you to know that if successful people could do it, then you can do it too. Just believe in yourself and take action, and believe me, always one action leads to another without even knowing, just take this first step.
All those actions can add experience, profit, or acknowledgment into your life, and this is what success means, to gain all that.
All you need is to have the courage to take action, and then what you are going to gain after that is going to surprise you.
Remember, the world is big enough to be enough for everyone. There is always a place for you whenever you com. Some people come early so they enjoy life early, and some come late so they enjoy life late, and some never come so those don’t know how to enjoy life. So what are you waiting for?!
Always make sure to come early, there’s no point in waiting. You can do it, I promise.
Do not go cheap when it comes to investing in yourself, cause this is the smartest decision you could ever make. Take care of yourself by investing in it. Go to courses, attend classes, learn whenever and wherever. It is all going to pay off at the end. The more you invest in yourself, the higher the potential would be to live the life you want in every area of it.
Enjoy what I am giving you here. I have gathered everything that I know and I have learned out of my experience, and everything I have learned from other successful people and their stories for you all to help you follow your dreams.
I am sharing my humble tips and my learning journey with you all to hopefully give you hope, passion, and a reason maybe to start your own journey of success.
It is possible, I promise
a daily plan to help leading to your success
1-make a list of the goals you want to achieve:
Break the goals into small tasks to do every day to get you to the final goal. Write the daily tasks that you need to do so that you come closer to you dreams and goals, and do this each day before you go to bed.
This will help you not to spend the day randomly, and not to wast your time thinking about what you want to do on that day, but rather having a plan to go for and follow so that you can achieve more.
Making a list to follow will give you discipline to finish the tasks, and the good feeling when you finish each one. Having a list will make you more productive.

2-make priorities:
Do not start with the small tasks just because they are easier to do. they will take away your energy that is needed to do the important ones. Start with what’s important, with the task that can add to you and help putting you on an upper level to be able to achieve your goals faster and not lose motivation. Having this feeling of achieving the big and important tasks will make you feel fulfilled and proud of yourself which will push you to even achieve more.
Your life is important, so do not waste it on small things. Always think big and do what’s important. Do what you love, whether it is working, or relaxing, or spending time with people you love, or making money to achieve the things you can’t achieve without money. Just do what you think it matters to you and what makes you content with your life.
3-wake up early:
Your brain works best in the early morning. And in order to wake up early you need to sleep early at around 10 p.m. Having a good sleep will help boosting your energy the next day, and make your brain work more efficiently. Because in the very early morning you are between THETA and ALPHA and so you are the most creative. And this is the time when you can learn anything even without big effort. Because your brain is fully aware and focused.
Start your day with relaxing and reminding yourself about who you are, what you are capable of, what you want to achieve in your life, and what is the role you want to have to help building this world before you leave this life. these first hours of the day will determine how your day is going to be. So make sure to have a good morning ritual to help putting you in a good mood, and give you positive energy and motivation to spend the rest of the day being positive and productive.

Write your goals and things you want to achieve and the strategy to do so, and update that as you go. The best time to do that is first when you wake up in the morning, after relaxing a bit. Writing will confirm the things you write in your mind as thoughts and beliefs, so they become part of you, and it will show on your life as behaviors, words, decisions. and it will affect your business life, personal life, and relationships in a positive way if what you write is positive and always pushing you to be the best version of you. This is how important writing is.
Readers are leaders. If you want to grow, you need to read and learn constantly. It is the one common habit that every successful person does. When you read you learn. And the more you teach yourself, the more opportunities will show up in your life, the more doors will open for you, and the more hope you’ll have. Because you will start to look at life differently, and you are going to be able to see the things you have never been able to see before. With reading you’re going to be taken away to a world of adventures, people’s experiences, success stories and learn from all of that. you’ll be going around many places in different times and living people’s experiences with reading their words. You’ll be learning from their mistakes so that you do not repeat them in your own life.
Reading will definitely change your life for the best.

Try to sit the whole day without moving, and repeat that for days. You are going to feel lazy and less productive, and have no motivation to do anything. I experienced that myself, and i know it is the worst thing ever not to exercise.
Exercise actually helps you to think more clearly, It improves your memory, and it increases your focus. It also boosts your mood which will make you feel better, and be happy and motivated to work on your goals.
Exercising will immediately affect your brain in a positive way. So you’ll immediately feel energetic and give you the ability to do more on your day.
Here’s a tip from me, whenever you feel unmotivated, do some exercise, and i promise you are going to feel better and motivated again.
You are what you eat. our guts are our second brain. A big part of our emotions are influenced by the nerves in our gut. And so everything we eat affects our brain and emotions directly.
Eating healthy will boost your mood, help you get rid of depression, sleep well, think clearly, and have a good memory. So by keeping your brain and body healthy will help you have a better life, and give you enough energy to work and achieve more, and be happy in general. Also having a healthy brain will help you with dealing with issues in your life in a smart way, and will help you to be able to take good decisions in every matter in your life.
Eating healthy food is so important to enjoy your life.

If you don’t have self discipline, you won’t be able to do all the things we mentioned before.
You need to know what you want, and respect your dreams by making them come true. You need to be working every day, and having a daily plan, and have the discipline to follow this plan to come closer to your goals and dreams. If your goals and dreams mean so much to you and you are serious about them, self discipline then won’t be hard. You actually are going to enjoy the process. It depends on how bad you want it. It all starts from your passion.
You only discipline yourself when you love yourself. because you want the best for you. When you love yourself, you’ll be willing to do whatever it takes to make yourself be content and happy. you hear me?! whatever it takes.. Just like a mother when she disciplines her own children because she loves them and she wants them to be happy. Except that you are adult now, so be your own mother and listen to what this mother is telling you to be the best you can be.